2024 Radiothon - The Alford Family

We highlight the Alford Family - one of the Miracle Families for the 2024 Radiothon. 9-year old Thor was diagnosed with Thor was diagnosed with AML or acute myeloid leukemia in October of 2022. 

The Alford family told us that "the people there and the services there were beyond my expectations. You know, we benefited from so many services, Thor went through 5 rounds of chemotherapy. We had

about a week break in between, so we had to wait for his blood counts to come back to an ok

number so we could go home for a week. During that time, Thor was pretty active and we

needed a lot of services. So, we had educational services, we had taken advantage of P.O.R.T.

which is a really great service, so that people like us can get gas cards, can get gift cards to

things like Starbucks, can go to the hospital cafeteria for some food. We benefited from child

life. I think Thor could tell you about a billion things that child life did with him and that was

really awesome."

Would you consider donating today? Visit https://corewellhealth.org/foundation/west/helen-devos-childrens-hospital/radiothon

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