With physicians’ stressful lives and susceptibility to burnout in mind, Medscape created a compilation of the top 25 best cities and the top 5 worst cities in the United States for doctors to practice. In addition, the report lists the top 10 medical specialties most likely to cause professional exhaustion.
Top 25 Best Cities:
1. Minneapolis, MN
2. Madison, WI
3. Sioux Falls, SD
4. Des Moines, IA
5. Burlington, VT
6. Manchester, NH
7. Boston, MA
8. Fargo, ND
9. Portland, ME
10. Overland Park, KS
11. Grand Rapids, MI
12. Honolulu, HI
13. Salt Lake City, UT
14. Seattle, WA
15. Stamford, CT
16. Pittsburgh, PA
17. Chicago, IL
18. Boise, ID
19. Omaha, NE
20. Providence, RI
21. Princeton, NJ
22. Columbia, MD
23. Virginia Beach, VA
24. Colorado Springs, CO
25. Cheyenne, WY
Top 5 Worst Cities:
1. New Orleans, LA
2.Phoenix, AZ
3. Las Vegas, NV
4. Albuquerque, NM
5. Tulsa, OK
Medscape’s rankings were determined using a thorough methodology based on various state-based measures that assess factors known to cause burnout among MDs, including rates of malpractice filings and medical board actions, income levels, patient volume, and physician density. Measures were also taken into account that apply to all people in each state, not just physicians, including: psychological well-being, violent crime, divorce rates, and help for families with children. Metrics covering rates of happiness, crime, and traffic were also taken into account for a well-rounded assessment of the potential for professional satisfaction.
SOURCE: Medscape.com