Northern Kenya has been suffering from the worst drought since 1945. People and Livestock have been dying.
This past weekend, a group of about 100 middle school students, high school students, and adult leaders, and part of Cornerstone Church's Kenya Mission Team gathered for the 30 Hour Fast For Thirst. The event was held to make an impression on students, and to raise money for Zoe Waters, a division started by a group of Cornerstone Church in 2012. Zoe Waters gets clean water and the Gospel to people who don't have access to either. (
On Saturday, during the prayer walk stations, students and leaders prayed for a variety of things, including water for Kenya. It was during that exact time that the church received word, "Prayers are being answered," along with a photo of it raining in the Hurri Hills. Further word came that God also made it rain in the Dukana and Turkana areas as well. All three are areas where Cornerstone Church and Zoe Waters have partners. A true miracle, and answer to prayer.
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