The Rocky Fork Lake Business Advisory Committee is pleased to announce a special community meeting featuring an update from the Highland County Sheriff’s Department. Residents of the Rocky Fork Lake region are invited to attend this important event to learn more about the department’s ongoing efforts to enhance safety, combat crime, and discuss future commitments to the community.
Highland County’s newly elected Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff will be present to share their strategies and initiatives aimed at making Rocky Fork Lake a safer place for residents and visitors alike. This is a valuable opportunity for community members to hear directly from law enforcement officials and engage in an open discussion about public safety.
The event will be held on April 5th at the East Shore Marina Restaurant at 1:00 PM.
The restaurant is located 10 miles East of Hillsboro, Ohio on U.S. 50 to Route 753, then 4 miles South.
For more information, please contact:
John Ingersoll
President, Rocky Fork Lake Business Advisory Committee