Grand Rapids Cottage & Lakefront Living ShowMenopause: The Musical 2HCHD's No-Cost Digital Screening MammogramsLos LobosCommunity Safety Update with Highland County Sheriff’s DepartmentShinedownGriffins 2024-25Grand Rapids Civic Theatre: The Color PurpleGrand Rapids Rise 2025Pat BenatarUPDATED DATE: ShakiraNikki GlaserBarry ManilowThe Grand Rapids Civic Theatre: WaitressDave Matthews Band 2025Def LeppardForeigner w/ Loverboy & NightrangerDude Perfect: Hero World TourCyndi LauperRod StewartKidz Bop Live! Billy Idol & Joan Jett and The BlackheartsLainey WilsonNEW DATE: Billy Joel and Stevie Nicks