Quit Counting Calories and See These Mega Benefits!

One way people try to drop some extra pounds is by keeping track of the calories they eat. And it works short-term, but it can really drive you crazy. Sure, you could lose some weight, but not having to count calories makes life so much better. 

Here’s what might happen if you quit counting cals and just focus on food again.

You might lose weight - When you stop worrying about the number on the scale and start eating healthy foods because they’re good for you, you’ll be better off. One study finds that women on low-cal diets had high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can actually increase appetite and belly fat. Definitely not what you’re going for when you’re watching your calories.

And be happier - It’s a lot of work keeping up with how many calories you’ve consumed and burned. When you’re not doing that anymore, you have more time to relax and enjoy life.

You might have more energy - If your sole focus is calories and not nutrition, you might be choosing lower quality foods based on numbers alone and that could be lowering your energy level. Forget the 100-calorie snack packs and eat some healthy grains and proteins for the energy boost you need.

You’ll probably eat more healthy fats - People say “a calorie is a calorie,” but 100 calories of skittles just isn’t the same as 100 calories of quinoa. You need the nutrients in avocados and nuts to help you stay full longer and make you less likely to grab less-healthy eats later in the day.

You’ll enjoy food more - When you’re eating without counting calories, tomatoes, turkey, and a big bowl of strawberries are a whole lot more appealing.

Source: PureWow

Thanks for listening! ~Tommy & Brook

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